Stop LimitStop Limit Orders execute when a specified price is reached. Specify a trigger price to activate the order. It can be used to set a Stop Loss Limit, or Take Profit Limit Order. Please note, the system will automatically reject orders that fail margin check or exceed position limit.
Stop MarketStop Market Orders execute when a specified price is reached. Specify a trigger price to activate the order. It can be used to set a Stop Loss Market, or Take Profit Market Order. Please note, the system will automatically reject orders that fail margin check or exceed position limit.
Trailing StopTrailing Stop orders allow traders to send a pre-set order to the market when a market swing takes place. When the Last Price (or Mark Price) reaches the highest or lowest price (1 +/- Callback Rate) after a Trailing Stop order is submitted, this triggers the order to be executed on the market, and the Trigger Price will be the highest or lowest price* (1 +/- Callback Rate).